Coatlicue River
Coatlicue River
"Coatlicue River" hung below "The Fire that Cleans Secrets
Coatlicue River
Coatlicue River

Cyanotype on Hahnemühle Platinum Rag

Backed with Black Sintra and a wooden insert back frame. 11x15” (image size) 11x150” installed together as one image

Named for an Aztec Goddess who was made of snakes and who was betrayed by her daughter after she gave birth to a son, the God of War, who was conceived from hummingbird feathers. Coatlicue was a Goddess and a creator. Her waring children became the stars and moon. I combined the images of snakes, the sun, and the L.A. River, which weaves itself through Los Angeles. The river was “fixed” by an engineering blunder — a concrete coat poured over every inch of the river except here, at the Fletcher entrance. At this point, the river is too fast to contain and a strip of earth remains, which has given life and sanctuary to birds. The snake can be in water, on land, a messenger to the ancestors, and it can become a celestial body.

Coatlicue River
Coatlicue River

10 Panels of 11x15inch Cyanotype prints hung in a line as one image.

"Coatlicue River" hung below "The Fire that Cleans Secrets
"Coatlicue River" hung below "The Fire that Cleans Secrets

Installed in a show from 2022 called “Beyond the Horizon” in Silverlake Los Angeles.
